Jim Wolf Technology POP Charger (specifically for the 300zx MAF)
These are known for the power adding properties. By utilizing a special venturi inlet, it aids in adding power. It features a reusable/oilable low restriction air filter element as well. BONUS part is that if you are running a 300zx MAF, now you have the solution to the forever going problem - where to find a MAF adaptor plate... This kit includes the adaptor with built in venturi, clamp, bolts, and air filter.
JGY price: $110

300ZX MAF, great for power upgrades above 250HP, we sell only real Nissan Z32 MAFs, they meter the air the best - $199

Little Air Filter: Great for valve cover, Available in blue or yellow - $5

Tomei 300zx MAF Plug adaptor, great for any application running a Z32 MAF - $29

JGY air filter, $34 includes aluminum MAF adaptor plate for SR/KA/300zx MAFS

Greddy S13 air filter kits (AIRINX) Yellow or Blue - $call

Foam filter kit with MAF adapter plate - $25

Air Filter, Cone Style - with aluminum 300Z adapter plate - $40